If you’ve been around lately, you may have noticed people other than me teaching at the studio. Some teaching private Pilates lessons, some teaching Taijiquan, leading a health workshop, or maybe you came to another workshop. I know so many wonderful people, both clients and teachers. In light of creating a sense of us all …
Every yoga class includes at least one warrior, but have you ever taken the time to really understand what they are? Who is a “Warrior?” How do you deepen your warrior? Sign up to learn the in’s and out’s of Warrior I, II, and III, giving you the confidence to be a warrior in all …
This event will be early enough for you to go out afterward. Our plan is to take a walk and do yoga along the way. Afterwards, we’ll head back to the studio for a meditation. Half mats provided. Money goes to fundraising campaign for Dustin to help him pay his medical bills. Register online. Class …
Take us out to the ball game! We have been invited to participate in DDP Yoga at the “Duck Pond!” Diamond Dallas Page is an ex-professional wrestler who now runs a yoga business. After the game, he will lead a yoga class in the outfield. Anyone who wants to join in will be invited onto the …
At the beginning of the year, I had this crazy idea that I would do the Pilates 100 exercise once on the first day of January, twice on the second day, three times on the third, and so forth, seeing how far I could get. I started to video my 100’s, partly to keep myself …
Practice not meant to make perfect… By Rachel Seurer, Badger Herald As I sat in lotus in my skintight pants and Lululemon tank (which showcased my triceps that had been toned from countless Vinayasa flows), I felt anything but Zen. Feeling anxious, I had to wonder: Had my yoga practice, which had once been the …
Your body is your teacher. I point out which way your foot is facing and if the knee is safe in that direction or not. You are the one who feels it and gets it or not. If you are talking aloud or talking to yourself in your head constantly, it is probably a good …
I teach yoga to cancer survivors. A client asked me the other day whether to continue yoga because of his pain. His cancer is causing great discomfort in general, but also because of its location, he finds it hard to move into certain poses because of the pain it creates. His question is, are …
Recently, a client came up to me and thanked me for saying something nice about her feet the last time we met. She feels very self conscious about her feet that have been through several traumas and no longer look the standard way.I don’t know exactly what I said, but I gather it was along …