From 5:30pm until 7:00 pm
Recover from Wisconsin Ironman or summer workout such as running, swimming, or cycling
$35 ($30 Ironman participants)
At Jules Pilates
2160 Atwood Avenue Madison, WI, 53704
Ironman participants will get a $5 discount, email Jules for discount code
Triathletes are a rare breed of human. The physical demand on the body is extreme as they run, bike and swim great distances. On long bike or run days, it takes a toll on the hip and knee joints not to mention the wear and tear on the spine and neck.
If you are one of 'those', OR simply like running, swimming or biking as a form of exercise, this workshop is just the missing link for your body!
Join MELT Instructor Liron Weiss and experience immediate results using MELT hand and foot treatment balls, and specialized soft MELT rollers. Learn how to self-treat on your own at home in just minutes a day to create lasting changes.
*Participants will receive a MELT Method map printout.
I have known Liron Weiss for several years now. I love her MELT classes and try to take them whenever my schedule will allow. It intrigues me that she played competitive tennis. I admire the quick power moves and decisive direction changes tennis takes. She is a wonderful teacher with a unique way of helping you get in touch with your sensations and understand what you can do to unravel possibly years of "stuck stress" as she calls it.
I know that you played tennis, can you tell us a little bit about your experiences?
I started playing tennis at the age of 6. My parents took me couple times a week at first, and when it turned out that this is something that I am really good at and LOVE so much, I started playing every day. By the time I was 9 or 10 I joined a team (there where only two girls and I was always the youngest). between the ages 12-16 I played professionally all over the country and practices every day for minimum of two hours. Tennis gave me a purpose in life. It was my 'second home' and my life- and my family's life revolved around it. It become a family hobby - as my two young sisters started to play too and as we all traveled around the country every weekend - for a different tournament.
What were the problems you were experiencing?
At the age of 18, when I served as an infantry instructor in the Israeli Defense Force I had to stop playing and serve for two years. I continue playing after that time and pursued my bachelor degree in Physical Education. around that time, as I was returning to play again, I started to have chronic neck pain. This pain stuck with me for about 4 years. Right after I graduated, my husband and I moved to NYC, and that added some more stress on our lives. During that time I was a kickboxing and Step instructor and the pain stuck and didn't want to go away. I had to stop teaching and reduce the time on the tennis court... Until I found Sue Hitzmann the creator of the MELT Method. I took a few class with her and felt that something big is happening to my body!
How did the MELT Method help you with those problems?
MELT simply reduce the pain that I had in my neck for so long. Every time that I went to the PT I used to feel good after my appointment, but after a day or two the pain came back. MELT helped me and gave me hope. MELT was the only tool that I could use by myself that reduced the pain, or minimized the amount of time that I experienced pain in my neck. MELT gave me the control on my body again!
What is the best thing about MELT?
Best thing about MELT is that it is a simple tool that you can use by yourself, whenever and wherever you want. Once you try it one time, your body will just ask for more and you will transform the way your body feels and looks. When I MELT I feel like I get a massage both for my body and mind.
Space is limited .
For more information read my my interview with Liron and go to