CoreAlign has turned out to be the thing I was looking for, but didn’t know existed. I have literally tried everything to address a stubborn pelvic imbalance, and was beginning to think that chronic hip pain, limiting my athletic activities, was my new normal. Within a few weeks of starting CoreAlign under Jules’ instruction, I …
Liron Weiss is an excellent teacher and a fantastic resource for the Jules Pilates clientele. I am so grateful to have her as a part of our team. I was initially skeptical at Sue Hitzmann’s MELT Method book, but what she was saying made sense and was easy to follow. When Liron started teaching at …
Just want to share the good news and thank you for all of your help with my bones. My recent bone density scan shows my spine and femur both in the osteopenia range, improved from the osteoporosis range. Strong bones, hurrah! Onward to keep them strong now.
I came across your website after searching for flossing exercises for my arm and shoulder which have given me a lot of trouble and pain lately. I live in Calgary, Alberta, Canada so I can’t come to your studio unfortunately. I’m at work suffering with pain and just tried an exercise that you’re demonstrating and …
I seldom break a sweat during Pilates classes with Jules so some would think that I am not getting much of a workout. What I have found since starting classes a year ago is that I am much more mindful of how I move my body. I am learning how to be more economical in …
I recently took an Introduction to Aerial Yoga class, not at all expecting to enjoy it. To my surprise I absolutely loved the amazing stretches I experienced in supported inversions. I know my Pilates practice gave me the strength and body awareness to experience hanging upside down not as scary and uncomfortable but fun and …
I wanted to write you a note to say thank you for consistently providing fantastic classes for your students. Each class I learn something new or get challenged with a new concept in a completely safe and accepting environment. I have learned so much about my body and how to move it. Thank you so …
THANK YOU! I have been digging trenches, hauling concrete etc. and keeping up with people much younger than me. I wake up without sore muscles and ready to go. I can feel those core muscles at work!
Best Pilates Studio Ever! Jules is a professional, friendly instructor who truly cares about her clients. There are classes available for all levels and since Jules has so many years of experience she is great at modifying an exercise or making it more challenging to accommodate everyone’s needs. Thank you Jules for keeping me in …
Thanks for the great class today and for helping me with my Pilates moves. I feel empowered each and every time.