The focus on practical understanding of common movement patterns prepares instructors to be excellent at problem solving, goal setting and learning new exercise techniques with ease. The Balanced Body Movement Principles form the foundation of Balanced Body Education.
Foundations, is the heart of the CoreAlign training program. The course includes the theoretical basis of the CoreAlign method along with essential exercises to illustrate the full potential of the CoreAlign.
Online Anatomy course will give the Pilates professional a great understanding of what things are in the body, where they are, what they do, and how they do that!
If you are interested in the Movement Principles teacher training or CoreAlign teacher training, come to a free discussion to find out what those trainings are like and ask your questions to see if this is a good idea for you! Registration is free, but you must sign up ahead of time. There is more …
We will explore the basis of movement and foundational exercises on the CoreAlign. Those exercise will give your clients a good basis for balanced easeful movement. We will learn the exercises, practice them, and practice teaching them. We will work on our ability to communicate well and see what our clients present to us. We …
If you are interested in the Movement Principles teacher training or CoreAlign teacher training, come to a free discussion to find out what those trainings are like and ask your questions to see if this is a good idea for you! Free but please sign up ahead of time, so I know who is coming. …